This blog is about doings in our kitchen. Mostly dinners but sometimes other activities such as breadmaking, baking or preserves.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Another Culinary World Tour
Saturday, August 3, 2013
New York, Paris, Huddersfield

Sunday, June 16, 2013
The $21 challenge

If you are going to try this - and you should - start with a meal plan and focus on using the things you've had tucked away for a while and haven't got around to using. You might find some interesting things! For Sunday lunch we ate some corn muffins from the freezer while for dinner we had mushrooms and chard with pearl barley. This was another great find from the New York Times in the 'recipes for health' section, so it has to be good. We bought the mushrooms from our allowance and everything else we had in the cupboard or garden.

Day two was the last of the pea & ham soup from the freezer. This was the soup we made with the end of the Christmas ham. Accompanied of course, by a slice of trusty sourdough, lightly toasted. Mmmm.

But I felt day seven's dinner was the master stroke. We had had a shoulder of lamb earlier in the year when we had guests & the left overs weren't going to get used at the time, so I just shredded the meat & froze it. Perfect for a delicious pie, perhaps? I sauteed a leek & carrot from the garden with half an onion from the fridge & some garlic. I added some rosemary & bay leaves & the last of the lentils I'd cooked for the lunches. There was a jar of artichoke hearts in the pantry (naturally) so I added a couple of those, a dash of quince splash, some grated lemon rind & juice, the end of a bottle of white wine from the fridge & the lamb. I put the mix into individual ramekins and covered with the last lonely sheet of puff pastry languishing in the freezer & brushed with milk. I would normally have used an egg but that seemed like an extravagance. I baked the pies at 180 for 1/2 an hour and they were truly delicious.

So, we ate really well on our budget and even had $6 left at the end of the week. I definitely plan to do this again - possibly once a month. It was a great idea to get things used up and we did have to think a bit more carefully about what we were eating - no coffees at work, except what's provided, for example. The toughest thing was fruit. Peter went without bananas because they are expensive and we didn't buy feijoas & passionfruit. Using up freezer stock was great. We just used what had been there the longest. The other thing I will do next time is look more carefully in the pantry and use the things that I don't usually think of. Harriet did well too and like us found it easier than she expected. Next time I am hoping more people will join us.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Going Dutch
This week we stuck with the old standbys with just a couple of new things to share.
We haven't had a fish soup for ages and this week we tried a variation on an old favourite. For 2, steam a dozen mussels in 1/2 cup white wine until the mussels have opened. Set the mussels aside and strain the cooking liquor through a fine sieve. You'll want about 3/4 cup of liquid. Set a couple of mussels aside to garnish & halve the rest. Rinse out the pan and put it back on the heat with a little olive oil & butter, 1/2 leek finely sliced & 1/2 fennel bulb finely sliced. Season, cover & cook over a low heat about 10 mins until tender. Add a clove of crushed garlic, some fresh thyme & a pinch of saffron. Cook about a minute. Add the mussel liquor, 1 1/2 cups chicken stock & 1/4 cup cream. Bring to the boil & simmer 10 minutes. Add about 300g firm white fish cut into bite-sized pieces. We used porae from Yellow Brick Road - responsibly caught via long-line on day boats, traceable,
certified by Friends of the Sea. I added that because, if you check the app I mentioned last week, porae is listed as a bad choice. Simmer 3 mins or so until the fish is just cooked then take off the heat and add the mussels & some chopped parsley. Add a reserved mussel to each bowl along with some fennel fronds & a grind of black pepper. Serve with freshly baked sourdough.
A real find this week was the Dutch favourite Stamppot. This is Dutch sausage & mash & is divine. I found the recipe on a Dutch blog along with other interesting ideas so we may be trying some Dutch fare over winter. I pretty much followed this recipe to the letter and although I was sceptical about the vinegar it was perfect addition. The recipe recommends adding a stock cube to the potato cooking water but, in fact, I boiled the potatoes in our home made stock. I bought the rookworst at Moore Wilson and again I didn't expect to like it but it was delicious. I also think this would be nice with a good pork sausage and a blob of apple butter. Did I mention that I had made it again this year, but this time with more sugar because last year it didn't keep well? This year's batch is much firmer & could be spreadable but still delicious.
We also went back to that old favourite kedgeree. We got some beautiful smoked fish from YBR but I can't recall what it was. I was reminded how much I love kedgeree and I'm sure it will reappear on our table before too long.
Next week is going to be interesting. Harriet has challenged us to spend no more than $21 on the entire week's food including coffees and other treats. I feel confident we can do it. I'll let you know how we go. If you have any suggestions please share. Alternately if you have any suplus in your gardens they would be welcome too.

Next week is going to be interesting. Harriet has challenged us to spend no more than $21 on the entire week's food including coffees and other treats. I feel confident we can do it. I'll let you know how we go. If you have any suggestions please share. Alternately if you have any suplus in your gardens they would be welcome too.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Galicia beckons

If you have not yet visited Ombra on Cuba St, do so soon. It describes itself as a Venetian Bacara. The food is outstanding. There is a bit of a wait for a table but you can have a drink and start eating at the bar. The staff are really friendly and helpful. You will have a great night out. We took Phoebe on Friday and we were not disappointed. Phoebe's favourite was the potato & emmental crochetta, mine was the pork meatballs. Next time I'm going to try the sardines. Reminds me of a great trip I took to Portugal with a very good friend in 1982/83 where we ate sardines nearly every lunchtime. It was my introduction to the joy of grilled sardines.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Best of British

While that is cooking, heat the oven to 200 & dice 1/2 a swede, 1 red onion, 1/2 large carrot & 2 turnips into 1-2cm cubes. Toss in a roasting dish with 2 rashers chopped streaky bacon & a couple of sprigs of rosemary. Season well & drizzle over some olive oil. Cook 30-40 mins until the vegetables are done.
Put the leaves of two rosemary sprigs in a pestle & mortar with 5-6 juniper berries & salt & pepper. Bash them then mix in a splash red wine vinegar & a swig of olive oil. Rub all over your venison loin. We had 400g for two & that stretched to 2 meals. When you think you are 20 mins away from dishing up, heat a little olive oil in a pan to a high heat. Cook the loin around 18 mins turning every 2 mins. Do not overcook. You want it rare to medium rare. Place on a warmed plate & rub it with a little butter while it rests. Get up the roasties & stir through some marmalade which will give it a lovely gloss. Serve it all with a few handfuls of watercress & other green leaves dressed with a little oil & balsamic.

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Strange Fruit

If you like puff pastry, try this delicious tart which we had first with tomatoes & then used up the rest of the pastry & ricotta with a broccoli version. You could make your own but I would buy a really good puff pastry - we like Paneton. As an aside try their spinach & feta Danish. One pack of pastry will make two tarts. Roll out half the pack about 4mm thick & cut out a 30cm circle. Put the pastry on a prepared baking tray & refrigerate while you make the filling. Put 275g ricotta & an egg into a bowl & mix well to combine. Spread this mixture over the pastry base leaving a 2cm border. Fold in the border to form a rim. Bake at 200 for 12 minutes.

Saturday, April 13, 2013
Courgettes every day

Stir 150g peas & the chard leaves into the sauce & cook 3 minutes or so then stir in all the cooked vegetables to heat through. You could have this as a light mid-week meal or as a side with fish. Either way, it is a delicious way of serving summer greens.

Saturday, February 9, 2013
Golden Weather
Wellington has had an outstanding summer and we have eaten outside more than usual. This has been very conducive to summer dining and we have had lots of salady things and summer vegetables. The garden has really enjoyed the sun and we have been racing to catch the courgettes before they escaped to marrowdom.
Summer feels right for Spanish cooking and we remembered a while back, on Rick Stein's series on Spain, he made an intriguing Catalan pasta dish which we've been meaning to try for ages. Catalan use Fideua noodles which are short thin pieces of dried pasta similar in thickness and texture to spaghettini. We found something called fadennudeln, which is German but which fitted Rick's description. You could just use spaghettini & break it up. Whatever you decide, have a go.
The recipe said to make a fish stock with tomato passata but we actually had some tomato sauce we wanted to use up so we improvised a bit and just used that, diluted with some light chicken stock. I would make the fish stock next time if I had the time.
In the paella pan (if you don't have one use a regular slope sided pan), fry 2 cloves of thinly sliced garlic. Keep a close eye on it because garlic burns easily and you are looking for golden rather than charred. As soon as it colours scoop it out & set aside. Add 150g of the noodles and fry them in the garlicky oil until they are golden. Again you are looking for light golden rather than dark. Stir in 500g of the tomatoey stock or stocky tomato sauce, a little salt & the fried garlic. Bring to the boil, then reduce & simmer 9 minutes or so until all the liquid has evaporated. Remove from the heat, cover with an opened out newspaper and leave to rest. When Rick did this all the pasta strands pointed upwards but that didn't happen for us.
While the pasta is resting cook the seafood. We had squid and prawns which worked well. You'll want to have them prepared before you start the pasta so maybe I should have mentioned this at the top of the page. You should always read the whole recipe before you start. Don't you hate it when you're halfway through cooking tonight's dinner when it says "now put in the fridge overnight"?
Use 75g-100g each of peeled prawns and sliced squid. Heat a little olive oil in another pan, add the squid & prawns over a high heat for 1-1 1/2 minutes until just cooked but nicely caremelised. Season with a little salt and serve alongside the pasta. To serve the pasta, dot with aioli (which the Spanish call alioli). If you don't like seafood you could probably sautee some chicken thighs cut into quite small pieces.
Now that the aubergine season is in full swing we have been making aubergine stacks with chicken and cheese. We were inspired to this by a delicious meal we ate at the house of one of you. I don't know if this is what you did but this is our method. Slice two chicken breasts into thinner slices and flatten the thicker slices by bashing between cling film. You want thin escalopes of chicken that will sit on a slice of aubergine. Brush the chicken pieces with oil & white wine vinegar & season. Fan grill at 200 for about 15 minutes turning once.
Slice an aubergine lengthwise and brush with olive oil. Grill on a ribbed hot plate or heavy bottomed pan 2-3 mins each side then finish off with 5 mins under the fan grill. Grill thick slices of haloumi. Heat through a small quantity of that homemade tomato sauce you always keep in the freezer. To assemble, lay a slice of aubergine on the plate, top with a slice of chicken, a slice of haloumi, some torn basil leaves and top with a splodge of tomato sauce. I think you could be flexible here and think about trying different cheeses & herbs. Maybe try oregano with the haloumi & mozarella with basil. You'd probably have to pop the assembled stack under the grill to melt the mozarella. Or try paneer with coriander.
Last Sunday I made an outstanding vegan pudding I had been meaning to try. This was inspired by a recipe from the raw food people in Auckland, Little Bird. I don't actually subscribe to the raw food philosophy any more than I embrace veganism or gluten free for its own sake, but I will champion any meal prepared with good quality ingredients that tastes great. These chocolate ganache tarts certainly measure up. This is the version we saw on River Cottage Veg. I used cashews instead of pecans - cheaper. I used Blue Coconut oil, Green & Black organic fairly traded cocoa and I substituted the maple syrup for the agave nectar. Actual maple syrup not maple flavoured syrup! I also made individual tarts using muffin pans and a couple of extras served in a dish as mousse. Think about freezing & serving as ice cream. Note that you must serve this really chilled - at room temperature you may taste the avocado. It will taste less sweet when chilled so sweeten to a little sweeter than your taste prior to chilling. It is really rich so think about mini servings. It is truly delicious so hungry people may eat two but people who overfilled on mains won't manage it even if they think they want to.
On a final note, over the next month we are hosting visitors from foreign parts - the UK & Canada. What shall I feed them? Any suggestions for meals which show off what we produce in New Zealand and are summery?
Summer feels right for Spanish cooking and we remembered a while back, on Rick Stein's series on Spain, he made an intriguing Catalan pasta dish which we've been meaning to try for ages. Catalan use Fideua noodles which are short thin pieces of dried pasta similar in thickness and texture to spaghettini. We found something called fadennudeln, which is German but which fitted Rick's description. You could just use spaghettini & break it up. Whatever you decide, have a go.
The recipe said to make a fish stock with tomato passata but we actually had some tomato sauce we wanted to use up so we improvised a bit and just used that, diluted with some light chicken stock. I would make the fish stock next time if I had the time.

While the pasta is resting cook the seafood. We had squid and prawns which worked well. You'll want to have them prepared before you start the pasta so maybe I should have mentioned this at the top of the page. You should always read the whole recipe before you start. Don't you hate it when you're halfway through cooking tonight's dinner when it says "now put in the fridge overnight"?
Use 75g-100g each of peeled prawns and sliced squid. Heat a little olive oil in another pan, add the squid & prawns over a high heat for 1-1 1/2 minutes until just cooked but nicely caremelised. Season with a little salt and serve alongside the pasta. To serve the pasta, dot with aioli (which the Spanish call alioli). If you don't like seafood you could probably sautee some chicken thighs cut into quite small pieces.

Slice an aubergine lengthwise and brush with olive oil. Grill on a ribbed hot plate or heavy bottomed pan 2-3 mins each side then finish off with 5 mins under the fan grill. Grill thick slices of haloumi. Heat through a small quantity of that homemade tomato sauce you always keep in the freezer. To assemble, lay a slice of aubergine on the plate, top with a slice of chicken, a slice of haloumi, some torn basil leaves and top with a splodge of tomato sauce. I think you could be flexible here and think about trying different cheeses & herbs. Maybe try oregano with the haloumi & mozarella with basil. You'd probably have to pop the assembled stack under the grill to melt the mozarella. Or try paneer with coriander.

On a final note, over the next month we are hosting visitors from foreign parts - the UK & Canada. What shall I feed them? Any suggestions for meals which show off what we produce in New Zealand and are summery?
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